For this project I have noted my three ideas for my movie down to two. Those being the stalker one and the love story gone wrong. I feel that even thought my top two are somewhat generic the murder mystery is something everybody can come up with quickly. I want to take my own spin on the stalker and love story gone wrong and already have ideas for how to do them. Other than the murder mystery being more generic it seems as thought that’s what’s portrayed now in large movie studios. Someone dies, police investigate, person continues to kill, series of movies is made. For example, the Michael Myers, Freddy Krueger, and evening It series are all movies that fit into murder mystery “ways”. Of course they all include some stalking and the stereotype movie murderer identity but it’s all about killing and creeping. With my two topics I want to stray as far away as possible from that stuff which is why I chose them and why I feel they will be the best fri for me as a director, producer, editor etc. as well as the fact that I already have a vision for how I could film those helps greatly.
My first of the two options is a stalker type thriller movie. I want it to be more of a kidnapping stalker than just someone being watched. I want the viewer to be left hanging with suspense at the end of the two minutes I have. I feel this is very important especially with the type of movie that I am making because if you can’t entice the viewers and leave them wanting more then you’re not setting a good precedent for the possible rest of your movie. I see ways in which this could go wrong as there are t.v shows/ series like the Netflix Original YOU and other shows that are similar but in the ways that I want to put my own twist on it per se I think I can make it less generic than most movies of the sort. Knowing the ways in which my plan could downfall plays very well in my favor because it gives me a basis on what to think about when i’m filming and casting. It shows that I am aware of what could potentially go wrong and gives me the opportunity to fix my mistakes before I make them. This also goes for my other idea and contributed to my decision when I pick which of the two I want to do for my project.
My second idea for my final project was a love story gone wrong. This would be more of a couple that’s deeply in love and one beginning to get distant whilst the other one begins to notice but doesn’t understand why. The one getting distant is starting to scare the other in ways in which they threaten to leave etc. However what the threatened one doesn’t realize is that these are all tactics into getting them to stay. This toxic relationship has gone downhill fast and is not boding well for one of them. In the end of my two minutes I want to show a passage of time from happy to sad in the couple. Leaving them on a cliffhanger of what’s to happen next as one of them is dragged away. We don’t know exactly what happened but if the movie was to continue it would start from the beginning of their story and all of the events that lead to the toxicity.
After deliberating and finding different ways to portray each idea I have decided that I want to go with the stalker story. I see how both my ideas are possibly in portraying and i fell like I have a sold basis for both. However, the stalker one I have more of a vision of it in my head. I am already thinking of locations in which I want to film and the people I want to include that could act out the story the wya I want it to come across. I am very hopeful for the near future of how my project will go and hope this analysis works with he for the better and not for the worse.
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